posts by Jennie Jiang

Olivia McKellar

7 Questions with Olivia McKellar, GVP’s new English Language Arts Instructor!

We are thrilled to welcome Olivia McKellar to the GVP teaching team as our new English Language Arts/ESOL Instructor. Olivia will start in her new position with this upcoming school...
Families of GVP

A Look Back on 2021: Educational Equity and the COVID-19 Pandemic

As we look back on this past year, we are reflecting on the role that Global Village Project has played and must continue to play in advancing educational equity. The...
Summer Camp at GVP

Summer Camp Offers Long-Awaited Opportunity for In-Person Connection

After a year of remote learning, the ache to meet again in person was acute for GVP’s students and teachers alike. The opportunity finally came last month: for a week...
Global Village Welcome Walk | Global Village Project

Local Friends Learn More about Refugees’ New Lives on Journey through Clarkston

What is it like to take your first steps in a new country? This summer, Global Village Project (GVP) invited local friends to “Walk with Her,” a GVP student, to...
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Jazmine McMullen Ready to Elevate Volunteer Impact as New Volunteer and Program Coordinator

In April this year, we were thrilled to welcome Jazmine McMullen to the team as GVP’s new Volunteer and Program Coordinator. In her new role, Jazmine is excited about the...
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Maker-Centered Learning Prepares Students for 21st Century Challenges

How would your education have looked different if you were encouraged to take risks and learn from your mistakes? If instead of worksheets and tests, you were given a problem...
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Restore Our Earth: The Shared Histories and Futures of Mass Displacement, Climate Change, and Gender Inequity

With the passage of Earth Day this month, I have been thinking and reflecting on the inseparable links between forced migration, climate change, and gender equity, particularly with respect to...
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GVP Launches Volunteer Support Network to Maximize Impact

GVP is excited to introduce the Volunteer Support Network (VSN), a new internal structure and model for our dedicated and long-standing volunteer corps. Watch the video above for a brief...
Student with ipad

Students Write, Create, Remix New Music in Songwriters’ Club

How do we deal with the many feelings we experience while stuck at home and living through a pandemic? For some GVP students, the answer is through songwriting. A new...
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6 Ways GVP Mentors Support Alumnae’s Dreams

It can make a world a difference to have someone believing in you and rooting for you at every turn. GVP students' families are all deeply committed to their daughters'...