
Students Attend STEAM Summer Camp 2023

At summer camp, we are all teachers and we are all students.  This June, at Milam park in Clarkston, 20-plus students gathered under the big pavilion in the sun, rain,...

Students Find Their Voices

On Friday, May 12, our school community gathered to watch "GVP Performs: World Tales", a live stage play written by students through the Playmaking for Girls program. Behind the Scenes...

Form Three Students Prepare for High School Algebra

Did you know that the recommended slope of a wheelchair ramp is 1/12?  Ask any Form Three student, and she will tell you this means! If a ramp rises one...

Students Take a Field Trip to Wahsega

Each year, GVP students and staff take an overnight trip to either the beach or mountains to learn about ecology and grow as a community. This year, 32 students trekked...

Ready for Takeoff: Form One Students Explore Career Opportunities with Delta Air Lines

Form One students had the incredible opportunity to learn about the job of a Delta Air Lines flight attendants during Career Week. With their chairs lined up in rows like...

GVP Chorus Hosts Spring Concert

March 28, 2023 at Agnes Scott College

The High Museum Comes to GVP

The High Museum of Art came to GVP this month. As part of a long-term partnership between the two institutions, visiting artist Tanya Aguiñiga came to teach an art class...
Egg Drop Building

From the Classroom: Students Build Parachutes

On the far side of the GVP parking lot, right next to the Decatur Library, a group of Form One girls are talking excitedly, each one trying to drown out...
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GVP Founder Suzie Jacobs Volunteers in Math Class

For 13 years, Suzie Jacobs has watched GVP grow and blossom. She is one of the school’s founders. Since 2009, she has contributed to the school’s development. Now, she continues...
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From Volunteer to Lead Math Teacher: Caroline Henry Starts a New Journey at GVP

On her first day of work, Caroline Henry realized she already had a special connection to GVP. Ms. Marjorie, Science Teacher, told Ms. Caroline that she used to be her...