GVP News

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GVP Launches Volunteer Support Network to Maximize Impact

GVP is excited to introduce the Volunteer Support Network (VSN), a new internal structure and model for our dedicated and long-standing volunteer corps. Watch the video above for a brief...
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GVP Community Honors Dr. Amy Pelissero for her Departure

“One child, one teacher, one book, one pen can change the world.” For years, this quote by Malala Yousafzai has adorned the chalkboard in Dr. Amy Pelissero’s office at Global...
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Get to Know Your New CEO & Head of School

We hope you’ve been following along as we’ve gradually introduced our new CEO & Head of School, Elizabeth Elango Bintliff. (In case you missed it, read our Press Release and...
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A Special Message from Head of School Elizabeth Bintliff

Dear GVP Friends and Community Members, Memories of my boarding school in the Central African country of Cameroon are flooding back to me this week as I start a new...

Remote Work Brings New Opportunities for Innovation and Connection at GVP

Since the pandemic began, many employees across the country have found themselves on their couches on Zoom, attending the meetings they once had in conference rooms. Pre-pandemic, only about 3%...
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Jasmine Verreen, Newcomer Teacher, Jumps Into New Role at GVP

From left to right: Dr. Cassie Leymarie, Katelynn Villari, and Jasmine Verreen. With her love for adventure and willingness to dare greatly, Jasmine Verreen could be bringing no better approach...
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GVP welcomes Elizabeth Elango Bintliff, next Head of School

Dear friends, partners, and caring community, I am thrilled to announce that after an exhaustive search, Elizabeth Elango Bintliff has accepted the GVP Board of Directors’ offer to serve as...

Farewell to Amy Pun, Form 1 Newcomer Teacher

Written by Anne Garbarino in collaboration with Katie Fowler Amy naturally possesses a seemingly unending well of patience and love. She radiates a calm and positive, can-do attitude and transfers...
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Basmat Ahmed Joins the GVP Team as Community Engagement Associate!

This fall, GVP began the search for a new visionary to spearhead Community Engagement, a fiercely compassionate team member focused on building coalitions and partnerships, supporting the robust volunteer initiative, and championing...

From GVP to the Met Opera: A Dream Come True for Ms. Kimberli

GVP’s beloved Ms. Kimberli Render will be moving to New York City and leaving her current position as Arts Coordinator. During the fall semester, Kimberli worked remotely for several weeks...