Thought Leadership

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Elizabeth Elango Named Co-Chair of Georgia Coalition of Refugee Stakeholders

GVP’s CEO and Head of School, Elizabeth Elango has been named the Co-Chair of the Georgia Coalition of Refugee Stakeholders, a position she holds along with International Rescue Committee Executive...
Education For Refugee Girls & Women | Our Challenge | GVP

GVP’s Response to the Afghan Refugee Crisis

The creation of Global Village Project dates to 2004 when a group of social activists and educators serving refugee families observed a huge need for additional educational support for many...
Elizabeth Elango and her father

Of Dads and Daughters: Celebrating the Role of Fathers in the Career Choices of Their Girls

A few years ago, I came across a campaign that Devex, media platform for the global development community, was doing called “Power with Purpose”. In one episode, renowned economist, and...

In My Shoes: A Reflection by Jai Simpson-Joseph

There’s an old expression that says, until you have walked a mile in someone else’s shoes, you won’t understand their journey. May 25, 2021, marked the anniversary of George Floyd’s...
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Restore Our Earth: The Shared Histories and Futures of Mass Displacement, Climate Change, and Gender Inequity

With the passage of Earth Day this month, I have been thinking and reflecting on the inseparable links between forced migration, climate change, and gender equity, particularly with respect to...

February is Black History Month. So is every month of the year.

I grew up in a small, predominantly white town outside of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. I honestly don’t recall Black History being a part of what we learned in February, or the...
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Why Diversity Alone Isn’t Enough

“You can mandate diversity, but you can't mandate inclusion. Inclusion is about behavior, relationships. You have to change hearts and minds.” - Esi Minta-Jacobs In this final installment of our...
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Honoring the International Day of Education in a Pandemic

“Our vision is to ensure that all refugee girls with interrupted schooling have access to the education necessary to pursue their dreams.” - Global Village Project In the midst of...
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Revisiting Equity at the End of 2020

“Equality says we treat everyone the same, regardless of headwinds or tailwinds. Equity says we give people what they need to have the same access and opportunities as others, taking...

Celebrate Global Diversity Awareness Month with us this October!

While often we speak of diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) as three essential and related parts of larger commitment, the significance of each value on its own should not be...