by Staff | September 27, 2021
GVP’s CEO and Head of School, Elizabeth Elango has been named the Co-Chair of the Georgia Coalition of Refugee Stakeholders, a position she holds along with International Rescue Committee Executive Director, Justin Howell.
The GCRS is a body that exists to coordinate public and private resources in a manner that encourages effective refugee resettlement and promotes refugees’ economic and social self-sufficiency and wellbeing as quickly as possible after arrival to the United States. The purposes of the coalition are:
- To plan and coordinate the appropriate placement of refugees in advance of their arrival.
- To serve Refugees, Asylees, Cuban and Haitian Entrants, Certain Amerasians from Vietnam, Victims of Severe Forms of Trafficking and Others as authorized by law.
- Coordinate cash and medical assistance with support services.
- Provide for the care and supervision of, and legal responsibility for unaccompanied refugee children in the State.
- Provide that assistance and services will be provided to refugees without regard to race, religion, nationality, sex, or political opinion.
The Coalition meets quarterly, and its meetings are hosted by the Georgia Department of Human Services and facilitated by the co-chairs. Meetings are an opportunity for the resettlement agencies as well as other member organizations to provide updates on issues faced by refugees in the State, share projections on resettlement numbers, as well as dialog collaborate to solve problems. Meetings are open to the public.
For more information about the GCRS, visit