by Crispin Wilondja | September 29, 2023

Six weeks have passed since the beginning of the new school year. Students are settled in the classrooms and used to the routine of the school. Teachers know their students and their lessons have been evolving well. Parents have been happy to see their daughters leaving home every morning to go to school and come back after a day of school at Global Village Project.
Parents are eager to learn more about what GVP does and how they can get more involved in their daughters’ education. On Saturday, September 16th, the first parents’ council meeting of the school year was held at GVP. Seven of the eight parents who are members of the council were present. The members of the parents’ council include four fathers and four mothers who are from Afghanistan, Iraq, Democratic Republic of Congo, Central African Republic, and Guatemala.
Mr. Crispin Ilombe Wilondja, planned and convened the meeting. It was a rainy Saturday morning when he drove to pick up parents who could not drive. They were ready and excited. Interpreters joined the meeting to support the parents who could not speak English.
The meeting started with introductions. Then moving into the presentation agenda, parents learned about GVP and its approach within the Dekalb County system. They also learned about different GVP staff and their roles. To the question about the major dream of parents; they all agreed that their dream is to see their daughters get the best education that will prepare them for their future life in the United States. “We want to see GVP open a High School for our girls. It is hard to see them leave GVP and go to another school because GVP does not have a high school.”
Leading the discussion, Mr. Crispin explored how parents can be involved in GVP activities. The council unanimously approved parental participation in the school and in some classes. They also vowed to increase parent attendance at the Authors’ Tea. Finally, they decided to have their own team for Welcome Walk 2023 and to be involved in fundraising for the Welcome Walk.
At the end of the meeting, parents expressed their gratitude to GVP: “We love GVP and our daughters are very happy in this school. We have noticed that GVP is a school that cares a lot about our daughters and even our families. Our daughters feel safe in this school. Please register more girls.”
Parent Council meetings occur every two months.