by Staff | September 29, 2023

This month we welcomed Dr. Dwayne Lawyer of the Georgia Accreditation Commission (GAC) to GVP as part of our re-accreditation process which we have to do every three years. This was the culmination of a months-long effort.
As part of the process, Dr. Lawyer, a veteran educator, spent time delving into the systems, processes, operations and governance of our school. He led us through a rigorous and thorough examination of everything from our Board bylaws and composition to our financial soundness, the credentials and qualifications of our teachers, policies and procedures, staff training; our intake processes and student record-keeping to the details of how we conduct everything from emergency drills, building occupancy, student safety up to the placement of fire extinguishers. We came away having learned so much!
At the end of the process, Dr. Lawyer gave us great compliments: “I can’t tell you how pleased I am with what I’ve seen. I want to thank you all. I’m excited about your program and the direction you are going. You are doing a great job! Keep up the good work.”
The mission of the GAC is twofold: (l) to establish standards promoting instruction of high quality for children in Georgia and (2) to encourage schools to meet the established standards. GAC’s process is designed to strengthen the quality of education in each school, and to assure its membership and the general public that the established standards are related to the best educational practices.
GVP is proud to be fully accredited by the State of Georgia through GAC for another five years.