Volunteers and Staff Mix Things Up


by Staff | March 29, 2023

This month, GVP hosted a mixer for staff and volunteers. Volunteer mixers are opportunities for staff and volunteers to meet and get to know each other more informally. It’s also an opportunity for staff to thank volunteers for all the work they do to support the school and share stories of their motivations to serve the mission.

Outside of the passing interactions staff and volunteers share in the hallways and classrooms, few occasions exist to reinforce the partnership between staff and volunteers that bolster their capacity to support the students.

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Jazmine McMullen, Volunteer Program Coordinator

The mixer was hosted on Tuesday, March 14 at the Session Room of the Decatur Presbyterian Church. Hannah Edber, the new Director of Education, welcomed guests on behalf of the team. Conversations danced around the room as introductions followed. Event host and Volunteer Program Coordinator, Jazmine McMullen, split the group into teams to play a vigorous and competitive trivia game on GVP facts. “During the school year, we are busy, and I oversee the schedule for over 80 volunteers weekly, so I appreciate having the opportunity to slow things down and find ways to not only celebrate our volunteers but learn from them,” said Jazmine.

We’d like to take this opportunity to thank our volunteers for giving their time, talents and experiences to support the students and the mission. If you’ve never attended a volunteer mixer, look out for the next one and mark your calendar. We’d love for you to join us!