I absolutely appreciate all of the teachers at GVP. Every single one of them. They all have a special place in my heart and my life because each one of them taught me something special.
Ms. Anne taught me how not to give up and to always keep trying no matter how many times you fail. Ms. Elise taught me the special meaning of music. And how powerful music can be. She also taught me how to love music the right way. Ms. Linda, ohhh Ms. Linda, I have always enjoyed Ms Linda class even though I never enjoyed math, but Ms. Linda always made it easy for us to understand and she always had new ideas for us to truly understand math and make it enjoyable. And that’s what I absolutely love about her. Ms. Marjorie was actually one of my favorite teachers at GVP. Not only because I love science, but also because Ms. Marjorie was always fun to be around. She’s the one that taught me what kind of learner I am. In her class I discovered that I’m a visual learner. I’m super grateful for all of my GVP teachers!
And lastly, I want to thank Ms. Amy Pun. She’s a former GVP teacher, but she’s truly had a huge impact on me, and I’m so grateful to her!