posts by apelissero


Practicing Kindness

Every now and then I see a few kind words come across my social media feeds, but most of the time these days, what I read there is not very...
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Making connections

On Monday, August 31, we officially started our GVP online distance learning program for the 2020-2021 school year. We met with our 20 newcomer students and their families via Zoom...
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We are lifelong learners. 

I am incredibly tired today, physically worn out. It took a very different kind of attention, focus, and energy to be at school with new students and families this week--to...
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A Different and Beautiful Kind of Day

Yesterday was the first day of school for GVP. As I arrived on campus in the morning, I felt excited and nervous—as I had every year before. But, things were...
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Relationships at the Core

Last week, I asked our Student and Family Support Team to pose a question to parents on their regular check in calls. I was hoping to learn how many of...
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Building a Bridge

In the past few weeks I have seen several articles describing the trend towards hiring private teachers and tutors and creating “pandemic pods” for teaching and learning for students in...

Moving Forward

Today I met with the teaching faculty and GVP’s Educational Coordinators to discuss possible reopening plans. We learned on Monday evening that our local school district has delayed the start...

Day by Day

Yesterday, I spent the afternoon at school. It felt really good to be there but very strange, too. I sat in my office with a mask on, signing student transcripts...

Change is Coming

I wrote my last blog one week ago, not imagining all that might happen in one week’s time. I am still trying to process all that is going on and...

Book Clubs and DEI at GVP

Last Thursday, we completed our final day of post-planning for teachers. We ended the day with an all staff Zoom session where we checked in and shared our superhero powers...